Darrin really likes this one cause it reminds him of the book "Where's Waldo?"
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Halloween In November!
Darrin really likes this one cause it reminds him of the book "Where's Waldo?"
Monday, October 26, 2009
Madi's Volleyball Tournament
Madi and her team showing us their skills!
It was now down to Madi's team, the red team, and the black team. Madi's team played the red team first and then the winner of that game would go on to play the black team. They played so good all day, but after about 3 hours of volleyball they were starting to wear down. They tried their hardest and Madi was playing awesome but they just couldn't do it! The red team won, so Madi's team took 3rd place out of twelve teams!!
{Hayley, Madi, & Madi}
Madi and her team receiving their awards from their coaches!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The kids had fun and couldn't care less what their cookies looked like either they just wanted to be sure and figure out a way they could put lots of chocolate chips on, yuck! So here is a picture of some of our favorites!The best part of making the cookies, has to be eating them! And let me tell you, we did plenty of that!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Abby took summer dance classes again this year. Of course she loved every minute of it and was excited for the little performance at the end of the summer. They did a performance outside and danced a jazz routine to the song "I'm a Believer" from the Shrek soundtrack, and a ballet routine to the song "April Showers" from Bambi. This is my best attempt at taking pictures outside in the sun.
We had heard about a hiking trail up Payson Canyon called the Grotto Trail so we decided to go and check it out. I would have to say it's more of a fun little walk across wood bridges and a dirt trail, but it was fun to take the kids some where different. At the end of a trail is a waterfall and a little pond that you can get in and swim. The water was freezing but the kids still enjoyed it and got wet!
It was a little bit deep by the actual waterfall but Abby wanted to get her hair wet too so she decided just to deep her head in the water! BrAiN FrEeZe!
Us being Cheezy!
Darrin jumping down the mountain trying not to fall in his flip~flops
Gotta love the hair?
Abby posing! {of course}
Finally a smile!
At the end of the school year we had noticed Kaiden squinting a lot to see the TV and other things. We knew he was gonna be just like the rest of the family and need glasses, but we wanted to wait until summer was over so he wouldn't have to worry about losing or breaking them. As soon as school started we took him in and sure enough he is blind just like the rest of us! He was excited to get glasses and it took him forever to choose just the right pair. We ended up getting him two different pairs. He said he picked out the ones that looked like Danny Gokey's from American Idol. I think the look really good on him, and you should have seen how excited he was when he put them on and could actually see!
Madi finally got her braces off the day before school pictures! She was very excited to finally have them off and I think even more excited to get top and bottom retainers! They weren't able to completely fix her under bite and straighten up the alignment of her teeth, so she is still going to need to have jaw surgery when she gets older and her jaw quits growing. We were hoping to just do it all at once but he says its to soon so that means she will have to have braces again when she is ready for surgery. So for now she has to wear top and bottom retainers to keep everything in place. Madi is gonna kill me for this picture I just snapped it really quick in the car with my cell phone so it's a bit close up but the only one she would let me take.I have been working hard trying to get my kids rooms finished, and I'm really close! Madi and Kaiden's are pretty much done and Abby's is a work in progress. I'm really happy with how they are coming along and I will post some pictures soon!