Tuesday, January 20, 2009
"The Sign"

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Jazz Game
So what does the Utah Jazz game and President Monson have in common?.......... Absolutely nothing, except for the fact that when me and Darrin were at the Jazz game on Saturday night we happened to see him! We were sitting in our awesome seats {only 12 rows up} when the people next to me kept looking at someone with their binoculars. They were talking to the people behind us and I heard them talking about security? I told Darrin to look around because I think someone famous might be in the crowd. He was looking around and sure enough right up in a skybox was President Monson! The people next to me let us borrow their binoculars to take a peek. He was sitting by himself, {in his suit} with a few people around him, but not right next to him. I had a hard time watching the game after that because I kept looking up at him. We did see him briefly doing a little dancing when the game got exciting! I wanted to sneek out a little bit early and go wait by his skybox, but he must have had the same idea. He gave everyone in the skybox with him a quick wave and then his security guard helped him out. We tried to take a picture with our cell phone, but we couldn't zoom in close enough. Next time I go I will take my camera, you just never know who might be in the audience!
Monday, January 12, 2009
New Years Eve
So I'm a little behind on posting...... But I will have to admit the one thing I look forward to after Christmas is the big New Years Eve Party with the Haun's! We always come real early and stay real late, last year I think we set a record when we got home at about 5:00 in the morning. This year we got home a little earlier, we were home at about 4:00. We started off the night with tacos and all the fixins for dinner. We had so much food! We snacked and played all night!
Flint and Sarah brought up their x-box and I seriously didn't see these boys all night! They had so much fun!
Grandpa had lots of fun playing Spongebob life with the grandkids!
We played some serious games of poker!
Another picture of my cute little buddy Derik!
Abby and Brooke showing off their New Years Eve attire!
Getting ready to ring in the New Year. Notice Grandma in the background, she had been waiting all night to surprise Andrew. She thought she would help him control that wild hair, she put an entire bottle of hair gel in his hair! You really had to be there to enjoy the moment, too funny!
Grandpa ringing in the New Year, farm style!
Lots of streamers and party horns!
This cute picture was taken just for Hayley M.! {I hope your mom doesn't read this hehe}
Happy New Year from our family to yours!
Darrin and Brittany sang their hearts out in a head to head competition of wii sing it! Although it was a close competition, I think Brittany might have won! {keep practicing honey, you'll get it!}
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Christmas Was Great!
WOW! Christmas has once again come and gone. I will however have to say that this Christmas has to be one of my favorites! Christmas eve Darrin had to work part of the day. But later that afternoon when he got home we made the traditional cookies for Santa! That night was our Christmas party with my mom's side of the family. We have one every year, but this one was different. Many of the family were out of town or couldn't make it so we had a much smaller group of people. It was still tons of fun. We ate some yummy food {thanks to my mom} and played a white elephant game. We also exchanged some gifts, and the kids each got to open their jammies up from grammy and papa! Of course they had to put them on right away!

Enjoying The Party!
Me Having Too Much Fun!
Breann And Her Big Eyes!
When the party was over we headed home to get ready for Santa. We got out the cookies and milk and then got ready for bed. We let the kids open 1 present from us that night. We got them Horton Hears A Who. They all slept in the girls room and watched the movie before falling asleep. It was an early night, I think they were all asleep before 10:00!
The next morning I got up around 7:00 and the kids were still asleep! I started getting ready and then Darrin woke up. At about 7:30 the kids finally woke up. We headed downstairs and to my surprise Santa actually came! The kids got everything they wanted and then some!
Madi's Pile~
Abby's Pile~
The kid's favorite presents, {other than the Wii}
And the famous pee pee in the potty doll~
Kaiden got a Ripstick~
Madi got a new Samsung Gravity slider cell phone~
Santa also hid a extra surprise under our tree this year. There was a big package under the tree that was marked "To the Haun children, Merry Christmas! Love, Santa" When the kids opened it up they were sooo excited! It was a Wii! Finally! There was also extra controllers and nunchucks. Each kid also had 3 games a piece inside the box. Madi got, Mario Party 8, Cooking Mama World Kitchen, and Hannah Montana. Kaiden got Super Smash bros. Brawl, Sonic and the secret rings, and Spongebob globs of doom. Abby got Littlest Pet Shop, Thrillville, and a Disney Princess Game! The kids also got Rock Band, Wii Sing It, and Ravin Rabbids tv party from us! 
Later that morning my parents came over to visit. They brought presents for the kids and us. They always spoil us! Me and Darrin got a new blue ray dvd player and a gift certificate to PF Chang's. The kids all got new blankets and toys! Once my parent's left we got ready and headed out to Payson to visit with Darrin's side of the family. They gave us our family pictures that we have been looking forward to, and gave the kids lots of fun toys! We visited for a while, and talked about what everyone got! The kids just kept bugging us to go back home so they could play with their toys. We finally gave in and went home. the rest of the night we had fun, relaxed and played and played. We went from opening up one toy right to another, until we finally told the kids we have to go to bed.

We saw a lot of movies, played a lot of board games, ate a lot of good food, hung out in our jammies, and spent time with family. We had a great holiday! We are looking forward to the New Year, and hope everyone had a great Christmas!
The Kids Opening Up Their Jammies!
Kaiden's Pile~
Abby got her DS~
Darrin had the rest of the week off. We did a lot of this.........
Family Playing The Wii!
Lounging And Playing The DS!
More DS!
And Finally Sleeping!
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