Thursday, May 28, 2009
Our New House
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Saying Goodbye......
Yesterday some of the Young Women and the leaders came to my parents house to bring me some treats and to say goodbye!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Catching Up.....Finally!
Abby has been staying busy. She had a talent show at her school where they got to perform a hat dance and share their talent. Abby decided to play the piano. She played Old Mcdonald had a farm and a song she made up herself!Abby also got to be the star student at school, we made a poster of her and she got to explain it to the class, she practiced what she was going to say for 2 days!
On Saturday Abby had her big dance recital. She was so excited! She did an amazing job and we are so proud of her!
We have been waiting for the couple who bought our house to sell their house {the contract expired the end of April} and they just haven't had any luck. We still continued to show the house but had ourselves convinced that we probably wouldn't sell it until we got back from Disneyland. The day before the contract expired we finally had another interested buyer. They came through twice loved the home and wanted us out in 2 weeks. We had quit looking at homes because every time we would find one we like it would sell. So now we are packing and trying to find a house as soon as we can! As of now we really have no idea what is going on? What we know for sure is the kids will still have 2 weeks left of school when we move and we are still going to Disneyland in June! Everything is CrAzY and the house is starting to look bare! I also apologize for how bad the yard is starting to look, but we just haven't had the time. I will update when we know more.........