Wow I cant believe I finally have some time to catch up. Things have been so crazy and busy the last couple of weeks so I'm gonna start way back at the end of school. Abby had a very fun school year, she was very lucky to have Mrs. Paxman for a teacher! She taught her some many things and I loved when Abby would come home with a big smile on her face because she had so much fun at school! Abby's class had a kindergarten graduation that the parents and family could come to. They worked hard preparing by making hats, learning new songs, and each of the kids even had their own speaking part! This is Abby with her graduation diploma!

Abby and her cute teacher Mrs. Paxman!

Proud parents...She's growing up way to fast!

With the kids finishing up school, we had also sold our house and were busy boxing everything up to move. We were very sad to leave behind so many of our friends and neighbors. I miss the cute Young Women and we really miss the old ward! We are adjusting but it's been hard. Now moving on to the much anticipated vacation to Disneyland! We bought annual passes to Disneyland again and were really looking forward to a vacation! We went with Tammy, Preston and their kids, and I have to say that this year was one of my favorites! We all stayed at the same hotel and they had a way nice pool area. We managed to get a little bit of swimming in, but not any pictures of the older kids cause they hung out at the big pool!

Abby and Brooke getting soaked by the dump bucket!

Ooops, looks like I forgot to take a picture of me in my smoking hot two piece! Oh well maybe next time! One of my favorite places to take pictures is in ToonTown, here are a few of my favorites!

The wishing well. Nate is stressing way too hard wondering what to wish for!

The famous dumb bell!

Abby calling Minnie!

Darrin and Preston enjoying themselves on Roger Rabbit! {hehehe}

This year Abby was actually tall enough to go on Indiana Jones and California Screaming, she loved them both, and we loved how we didn't have to switch back and forth to ride the rides! We also got to ride the new Toy Story ride. It was so fun, even though I wasn't any good at it. Everyone wanted to ride with me cause they knew they could beat me every time!
Getting wet on Grizzly! {Madi so worried about her hair getting wet?}

Kaiden and Darrin waiting in line for Big Thunder!

Here are just some cute pictures of the family that I love!

Happy to be in Disney!

The Kiddo's

We saw Captain Hook in California Adventure. I totally had to get a picture with him and the family. Nobody wanted to come with me so this is me giving them that look.....I still could only get me, Darrin, and Abby in the picture.

Madi way to cool for pictures with Hook!

Abby and Brooke wanted to go meet the fairies and take pictures. Me and Tammy took the girls while everyone else went on some rides

Abby posing with Tinkerbell!

Darrin starting to drag a little after being on the go non~stop!

Another one of my favorite places to take pictures is Bug's Land in California Adventure! This is Madi, Abby, and Britt, riding in a box of animal crackers!

Me, Abby, Tammy, and Brooke, riding on the "chew chew" train!
These next pictures are my favorites. We were all trying to pose like the ladybug in the background, but were trying to get Nate and Britt to stand on the fence so we could see everyone better. Nate kept falling off and fell in the flowers and stained his shirt. His parents were mad at him, but it was my fault cause I told him to do it! We laughed forever, it was some good memories, and in the end we got a pretty good picture!
What the???
Kaiden and Nate in deep thought......
Madi and Abby riding the rockets!

We had sooo much fun! We even got to spend a little bit of time with Darrin's cousin Lindsay and her fiance' Donavan! I cant believe how funny she is! We laughed so hard that night. I hope we can see them again soon!
I almost forgot to mention that me and this cutie just celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary! {in June} and I couldn't be more happy!
When we got back from Disneyland we had to come and do all the construction clean up on our new house, and then we finally got to move in! We have finished unpacking almost everything but still have lots of work and organizing to do. We still need to decorate everything and get Madi a new mattress and bed for her bedroom. We are still waiting for our couch {which will take 6 weeks} and we still have to get blinds. I will update with some pictures as soon as it looks a little bit more like a house that we live in instead of just some bare walls!