By the way, teenagers are way to cool to get their picture taken, way to cool to take off their sunglasses, and way to cool to stop texting while getting their picture taken! Enough said!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Back To School
So yesterday was the kids first day of school. Madi is in 8th grade this year and was super excited to go back to school {mostly for the social aspect} but hey at least she was excited for something related to school! Madi has lots of classes with her friends, but was disappointed to not have any classes with some of her guy friends. Mom's happy though because I think she spends way to much time with them already! When she got home she talked about what everyone was wearing and how good it was to see all her friends that she missed over the summer! I'm pretty sure she went to school, but I didn't hear much about her classes or her teachers? I'm learning more and more everyday what it is like to raise a teenager and I have to say it scares me a little, but I'm so proud of her!
Kaiden was excited and nervous to go back to school. This will be his first year going to a new school and not really knowing anyone. We meet Kaiden's teacher a couple days before school started, and that made him even more nervous, he thought she was going to be real strict but when he got home from school, he actually thought she was really fun! He said he didn't really meet to many friends but I'm hoping that will change, he has had the hardest time so far with the move and is still adjusting. The most exciting or should I say embarrassing thing that happened at school for Kaiden was after recess he walked into Abby's classroom thinking it was his, right in the middle of their reading time! I took Kaiden shopping with me this year for his school clothes and let him pick most of them out himself. I think he did a great job, except for the "funny shirts" he wanted and that's a whole other story!
This is Abby's first year going to school ALL day! She has been talking about it all summer and could hardly sleep the night before, she even wanted to go to bed early so the day would come quick! I have to say I'm a little bit sad to know that my youngest will be in school all day, I do enjoy some time alone to get stuff done, but it just means that my kids are growing up way too fast! I need time to slow down a little bit so I can enjoy those fun moments with them just being kids! Abby also met her teacher before school started and said she is so nice, even nicer than Mrs. Paxman which is hard to believe cause she was an awesome teacher! Her first day was soo fun she said, she had a huge smile on her face when she came home and told me all about it. She took a home lunch on the first day but was excited to finally eat in the lunchroom like Kaiden and Madi! Abby has one of her good friends in her class also, so I think this will be a good year for her! She also told me no one dresses like her at school? I don't know if that's a good thing or not, but I think she's pretty cute!

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