Madi's volleyball tournament started Friday night. They won the first team they played so they had to stay and play another team. They also won the second team they played which meant they had to come back Saturday morning to play some more! On Saturday they got to keep playing until they lost two games. The very first game they played was against the "undefeated" black team, they won the first round and then lost the last two. It was such a close game and they played so good, they just couldn't pull out a win. They went on to play two other teams, and won both games!
Madi and her team showing us their skills!
It was now down to Madi's team, the red team, and the black team. Madi's team played the red team first and then the winner of that game would go on to play the black team. They played so good all day, but after about 3 hours of volleyball they were starting to wear down. They tried their hardest and Madi was playing awesome but they just couldn't do it! The red team won, so Madi's team took 3rd place out of twelve teams!!
{Hayley, Madi, & Madi}
Madi and her team receiving their awards from their coaches!
Madi's Team and coaches!

Even though it was such a competitive sport, it was so fun to watch!
Madi we are so proud of how much you have improved, and think you did a great job! Keep it up we cant wait till next year!