June 3rd was our 13 year wedding anniversary! This year we got to spend our anniversary in Disneyland with the kids. When we got married we spent our honeymoon in Disneylandas well so it was fun to be there again on our 13 year anniversary. My oh my how time, flys it seems like only yesterday when we were dating, hanging out with friends and going to school dances. {Oh how I wish I had a scanner so I could show you some of our classic pictures from back in the day} For those of you who don't know I thought I would tell how it all started. Back in High School Darrin and I had some of the same friends. So I had seen him around school but never talked to him or thought much about it. At Christmas time our school did a thing called Christmas grams, this is where you can pay to send a treat and a card to someones class to brighten their day. For some reason {still to this day I have no idea why} but I decide to send one to Darrin. I had not turned 16yet but would be on Christmas. The very next day after my sixteenth birthday he called and asked me out on a date! We got along really well and had so much fun together, so we continued to date on and off all through out high school. It wasn't always easy dating the same guy all through high school, but know I can look back and say it was defiantly worth it! Shortly after I graduated {about a couple weeks} we got married! So many people thought it would never last, but after all these years we are still together and I couldn't be happier! Because we have been married 13 years I wanted to tell you 13 things I love about Darrin.................
Happy anniversary to my best friend, and the man who makes all my dreams come true! I love you sweetie!
These are pictures of us being goofy at the Pizza Port on our anniversary! It hands down had to be one of the best dinner dates I've had for our anniversary! Thanks honey, you always did know how to make a girl smile! The cute button at the top of the post we got from city hall, they have a button for everything.
1~ He makes me feel good about myself
2~ He is always there for me and our family no matter what
3~ We laugh together. Usually about something stupid that I have said or done, but none the less we laugh
4~ He always seems to know when I'm having a bad day, and he always knows how to make it better
5~ He's very honest. Every time I ask him if I look fat or if a certain outfit looks good or not, he always tells me I look great! I love honesty in a man
6~ He is the hardest worker I know! Seriously you will never meet anyone who can work as much as him and still have a smile on his face when he comes home
7~ He can do just about anything, whenever I want him to make a shelf our paint the house or install sprinklers or fix something that has broke like our tv and my iron he always trys to fix it, and for the most part has always succeeded. I always assume he can do it all and he usually can
8~ He's still in love with me
9~ He can drink more Pepsi and eat more cinnamon bears than anyone I know
10~ He is a wonderful father
11~ He is my best friend, and is always there for me when I need to talk
12~ We like the same things. Food, dates, hanging out, music, movies, what ever it might be we usually always can agree on something
13~ After 13 years...... He's still got it!
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