Last week was a crazy week for us! We had so many fun things going on. Wednesday was our Young Women's Halloween party. We put the girls in charge of it this year and they had so many great ideas. We played the candy bar game, a game called Trick or Treat, and we had a good old fashioned cake walk! Many ladies in our ward donated cakes to give it that old carnival style feel, and the girls were so grateful! They had so much fun! We also had a costume contest, and to make it fair we let all the girls judge.
Here are the winners!
Madi won for most unique!
This is our 2nd counselor Bro. Moss glamming it up during the candy bar game!
A group picture of all of us!

Thursday night was our traditional pumpkin carving night! Every year the night before Halloween we have a sloppy joe dinner, a yummy dessert and of course we carve pumpkins. Everyone gets their own pumpkin to carve, and gets to choose what they want to carve on it. This year Madi choose a cool mummy, Kaiden choose the Grim Reaper, Abby choose Mickey as Dracula, I choose Minnie Mouse, and Darrin Choose a complicated picture of a guy holding a torch and bending over a diamond. They were a lot of fun to carve. I usually choose a really neat but hard to carve picture, but this year I really didn't want to be up all night so I choose a simple one, and encouraged everyone else to do the same. {it was a school night}

Here is a picture of the finished pumpkins, I couldn't get a very good picture of them lit up, I guess I should figure out how to use that camera of mine.

Friday was finally here HAPPY HALLOWEEN! The morning started out with getting Madi up and ready to go. They got to dress up in school, but she thought everyone would laugh at her devil egg costume so we searched through the Halloween tote and rounded up a Gypsy costume for her to wear to school. As soon as she was out the door we were off to my aunt Karen's house to get Kaiden's make up done for his costume. It took a little longer then expected but she finished and it looked great. It even stayed on until that night, Wow! She's amazing! After dropping Kaiden off at school we headed back home to make tortilla soup for dinner. When we finished I had just enough time to get Abby dressed in her costume for school. I dropped her off and went home to finish getting stuff ready for her school party. The kindergarten classes had a parade at school. I remember these when I was kid and I loved them so I wasn't going to miss Abby's. It was really cute, but over really quick. After their Parade it was time for their class party. I volunteered to help and did a craft. The kids made monster hands with green popcorn, candy corn fingernails, and a spider ring to finish it off.

When the kids were all home from school, my brother, his wife, and kids came over to show off their costumes. They looked so cute, Breann even showed off her monkey impression!

When Darrin got home from work, we ate dinner and the kids were off at about 5:30. Madi had huge plans to trick or treat all night. She ended up back home at about 8:45, which seemed late, because we hadn't had any trick or treaters after about 8:00. I hoped to have lots of kids this year, but it seemed a little slow. I think lots of people must have had Halloween Parties? Kaiden and Abby went trick or treating with the neighbors, so this was the first year I got to stay home and hand out candy, It was so fun to see everyone dressed up!

Me and Darrin as Alice and the Mad Hatter!
The Best Costume Ever!
Madi and her peeps, Trick~or~Treating at the neighbors!
Haley G.~ Haley M.~ Madi~ Kenzie
Sorting and counting candy, Priceless!

So that was our Halloween excitement for the year! Saturday we took everything that had to do with Halloween down. Darrin stayed home and we worked on putting up Christmas lights ALL DAY LONG! So you would think we are done right? Nope, we still have 5 1/2 trees left to wrap, and we still need to put up all our decorations. I'm hoping to slowly work on the trees and the rest of the outside decorations the rest of the week, and put up the trees and the inside decorations this weekend! Kaiden's birthday is this weekend and Madi's is next weekend, so we have lots of fun things going on. I'm looking forward to shopping with the girls and High School Musical 3 this weekend while the boys are at the BYU game! I hope you all had a Happy Halloween!
Looks like you had a great Halloween! We did too. Your pumpkins look so cool. I wish you were going to the game saturday, it isn't suppose to be too cold. You will like HSM 3. Britt loved it, I still need to take Brooke. I can't wait to see it either.
Hey what happened to Madi being a devil egg? I thought that was a cute costume the little bum. And why didn't you dress up for your YW Halloween party you bum I loved your costume! lol. It looks like you guys had a great Halloween. Are you ready for Christmas now? Its coming faster then you think.... lol
What a fun Halloween. I LOVE your youngest ones costume. She looks so cute!!!
Hi Tiffany!
This is Shannon from Izzie Grace Blogs :) It's funny you mention doing a birthday layout... I was thinking last night how it would be fun to make some! I'll try to have some made this week, check back around Thursday. Thanks for your kind comments! :)
Hi Tiffany!
Sorry to comment twice. I was thinking, why don't you send me an e-mail and let me know your daughter's name and how old she's turning and I'll make a birthday background especially for her? Only if you want to, but I'd love to do it! :)
Your Halloween looks like so much fun! It's not as fun for Todd and I, with not having kids! haha
I am sooooo going to tease Brian about that picture of him! Looks like a fun time was had by all.
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