So I'm a little bit embarrassed to admit this but I was a HUGE fan of Vanilla Ice! I had a scrapbook full of anything and everything that had to do with him, I owned all his cds, I had a barbie doll that looked just like him, {yes I still have it packed away somewhere} I knew the words to almost all of his songs, {still do} I got to go to his concert, I even considered shaving my eyebrows just like his! So now I'm trying to decide if I want to fork out the $40 to go to his concert this month? Yep, you heard me right, Vanilla Ice and Mc Hammer are coming to concert together February 27 at UVU! So for now I'm still deciding and reminiscing back to the good old days, when I was young and all I really cared about was where I could get a good pair of parachute pants and whether or not to shave my eyebrows!
You DeFiNiTeLy should go! You go girl! But don't shave the eyebrows!
Now you know you hit it in the big time if you get to perform at UVU! :)
Do you remember Andy Davis? LOok him up in your Jr. High yearbook. I think he was a year older than us. I am telling you...this kid had it all. The moves, the clothes, the eyebrows...he totally filled my Vanilla Ice needs! SIGH!
You should go, you know you want too!! Just do it!! Ice ice baby to go to go!!
For sure you need to go!!! It would be so much fun and so worth it.. If I was there I would go with you!!!!! SO FUN!!!!! I think I still have a few songs of his on my Ipod.. hehehe
K-first of all--you said "all of his songs" did he have more than one song???
But as you mentioned that he would be coupled with MC Hammer...I would TOTALLY go. I hate feeling so old these days. I think you deserve a night to feel young again. Make sure you wear your parachute pants to the concert and maybe go out on a limb and shave the eyebrows. I dare you:)
Gee, that is tempting... Does he have enough material to fill more than 5 minutes? Talk about going back to the 80s!
Sounds like fun! You go, girl!!! Pull out those parachute pants and shave those eyebrows!
U.V.U... Now that is hittin' the big time.
I seriously thought he was one of those one hit wonders, but he actually did have FANS? haha, I would go if I worshiped an old singer like that, too funny.
Oh my heck! I am laughing so hard right now. I want to go too!
It's funny because I remember LOVING Vanilla Ice when we used to hang out back in the day. I remember once going to Karen's house for an Easter egg hunt and listening to it on our way down there. Awesome memories!
I went to a lame church dance last night because that's what we Indiana people do for fun:) and they played Vanilla Ice. I thought of you the entire time I was out there shaking my booty on the dance floor.
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