Thursday, April 2, 2009

Not A Chance!

Sorry everyone, it was all in fun! There is no possible chance of a little one in our future. We are done with the 3 we have, they definitely keep us on our toes! I do however appreciate Kenzie who said I should name the twins Barbara and Bob, and Haley for saying I don't look pregnant at all. I can totally see how well they are listing to the lessons in yw's and appreciate their honesty or should I say their ability to make some one feel good {even though they might look pregnant!} I love them all anyways and have lots of fun trying to be "hip" even though Madi says I'm sooo not in style anymore! {What's up with that?!} Well I hope everyone gets the memo, I'm NOT pregnant! Happy April Fool's Day!!



DANG!! was so hopeing for more Grandkids. Oh well I guess I will just keep enjoying the ones I have.
Oh that comment from Madi sounds just like her, but we still love her and boy oh boy are you going to miss those YW when they release you...

Anonymous said...

HAHA! That's funny Tiff. I pull the same pregnancy thing on my mom every year and she still falls for it. Good times!