This year the traditional Christmas Eve party was at Todd and Chynna's House! We had dinner and then played our white elephant game. My kids favorite part of the night was opening up their new Jammie's from Gram and Papa!
Here is Abby and Brianne showing off their matching pj's!

Brianne got a box of Scooby Doo band-aids for her white elephant gift and was so excited! She was pretty disappointed when she opened them up and found out it was really a gift card to Little Caesars!

Madi showing off her new "Nerd Glasses" she bought while Christmas shopping with Dad, and her blanket she received for her white elephant gift!

Todd and Chynna's cute little baby Crew in his Santa Christmas Jammie's!

Our attempt at a some what decent picture!

We had a fun night, and it was good to get together with all the family!
After the party we went home to get ready for Santa! We got the plate of cookies and milk ready and then watched "A Christmas Story" the kids were excited to go to bed so Christmas morning could come real quick. We decided to have everyone sleep in Madi's room for the night so that their would be no peeking!
Abby getting ready for bed!

Now I would explain Darrin's outfit, but its a long story so I will just leave you with the picture for now!

Madi getting ready for bed!

The Tree!

We only got one tree put up this year, another long story. But I think it turned out just fine!

Christmas morning the kids actually woke up pretty early. We usually have time to get up and shower and get ready, but not this year!
Madi showing off her new peace bag!

Abby having fun opening her presents!

Abby actually letting me take a picture before the chaos begins!

The play by play on Kaiden opening his last present! I think I will just let the pictures explain themselves!

Let me just say that him and Abby were both very surprised to see what was inside!
And Kaiden was one Happy kid when he opened his new Xbox 360!!

Madi was also one happy little lady when she finally got her Ipod touch she had been dreaming about!! Just look at the smile!

I managed to actually get their gifts in a pile so I could take a picture!
Here is Abby and her new Doll House. For Christmas this year Abby wanted a doll called my best friend is 4 feet tall, I think Santa must have been all out of those she he got her a 4 feet tall Doll House instead!

I got a picture of Kaiden's stuff, but he was M.I.A. to busy playing the Xbox to have his picture taken!

Madi and all her "Girly Glory" Grrrrr teenagers!

And this year I finally got my Picture of the Salt Lake Temple!!!

After our morning together we headed out to Darrin's parents house for brunch and to talk to his brother Rock who is on a mission, and was going to be calling home! We also got more fun presents!

The anticipation of us all waiting to open our gifts while Grandpa made sure everyone had one before anyone could open them!


Madi and Brittany Christmas morning!

Typical Brittany!

It was such a great Christmas! We had so much fun spending time with family and friends! We are so grateful for all the wonderful people in our lives and for all of our blessings! We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and hopefully next year we might actually get a Christmas card sent out!
New Years Eve, and Day!!
Every year for New Years Eve we go to Grandma and Grandpa Haun's for a HuGe PaRtY! We have everyone together and we play games and eat yummy food we also play some serious games of poker! Grandpa went all out this year, he had two huge tv's set up. One with a Wii and the other with a Playstation, he bought tons of games and had his pool table set up.
Here is Darrin and Abby fighting it out in boxing!

Check out that concentration!

Midnight came way to fast, but everyone managed to stay awake and and ring in the New Year with lots of streamers and noise makers! {Thanks Preston!!}

Notice Grandpa in the back making a quick getaway!

Goofy girls, I'm still wondering why we claim them?

Ahhh the noise makers......once again thanks uncle Preston!!

Maybe one day we will get a serious picture!!!

We had a great year! We had many new changes this year including a new house! We are still trying to adjust but are looking forward to the year to come! We love you all!!
Looks like you had a great Christmas, how was your birthday? I still want to see pictures of your house!
Birthday, Christmas it's all the same! But either way it was great! I will post pictures of the house soon, it looks so bare now that all the Christmas decorations are down! You should just come up and see it, but call first :)
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