Last Sunday we were sitting in church, I leaned over to Darrin and said I think we should go to Disneyland! He of course said lets do it! I had a hard time concentrating in church wondering if we should really go or not, I figured I would check for hotels and see what we could find and maybe that would help me make my decision. When we came home we found a super good deal on a kid suite, and Darrin was able to get work off. Anyone who knows me knows I never do anything on the spur of the moment like this. Every time we plan a vacation it takes me forever to get everything packed and ready to go. I figured it was finally time for me to just do something spontaneous for once! We decided to make it a surprise for the kids, I secretly packed all their stuff on Monday and Tuesday, and then Tuesday night decided I would tell Madi we were going to the Grand Canyon, and to do some things I knew she would think were boring! The only reason I told her was because I knew I couldn't pack all her stuff myself so I needed her help. We told her not to tell Kaiden or Abby, and that we would be leaving Wednesday when they got home from school.
Wednesday morning we woke them up at 5:00 in the morning and said it's time to get up and get dressed, we are going some where fun! Kaiden and Abby were a little bit shocked, it was still early so I don't think they really knew what was going on. The kids kept asking where we were going, but we wouldn't tell them. Kaiden kept guessing Disneyland but we assured him there was no way because we are going there in June. Right about the time we were getting into California Madi finally got smart and figured out we had passed the Grand Canyon, and she was sure we were going to Disneyland. We had our GPS in the car and it was telling us to get on the San Diego freeway. We thought that would be the perfect time to tell them we were going to Sea World! Kaiden and Abby were really excited, but Madi had a meltdown! She said she hated Sea World and if she would have known we were going there she never would have come. She wanted us to take her back home, and begged us to go to Disneyland instead! Her friends Hayley and Kenzie were also on their way to Disneyland and she wanted us to just drop her off and she would go with them. As we kept driving I was turned around talking to the kids in the back seat, the GPS was giving us more directions and very clearly said to drive towards Disneyland. You should have seen their faces Abby's eyes got so big and Madi finally had a smile on her face! It was so funny, I wish I would have known it was going to happen like that and I would have had my video camera on, because it was priceless! It was along drive but we made it and we were all ready to get to Disneyland!
The first day we got there we were able to go on just about every ride before they closed and it was only a half day for us because we spent most of the day traveling. The weather was great and there were hardly any crowds! We of course had to do Dumbo, it was night time and the line was really short so we took total advantage!

Bugs one of my favorites! I don't know how much longer I can convince the kids to go there because they are just growing up way to fast, but they went for me, and I did manage to convince Darrin to go on the "Chew Chew Train" it was the first time he had ever been on it {I think he had a little bit to much fun!}

The fun little Bumper cars. This was the first time that Abby got to ride them all by herself. You have to be 7 and she just had her Birthday!

Madi letting us all know just how much she enjoys Bugs Land!

Us enjoying the sun!

Madi's friend Courtney is obsessed with Jasmine so when we saw her we had to get a picture!

Another one of my favorites is Toon Town not for the rides, but all of the fun little things the kids can play with and of course Minnie's House! Usually it is so packed and busy you can never get a good picture or you have to wait forever to do the little activities, but we went at night and there was hardly anyone there! The kids enjoyed themselves playing around and letting me take pictures!

Madi doing what she does best.....Talking on the phone,

And taking it easy, waiting for the phone to ring!

Darrin looking super excited to have his picture taken!

We had sooo much fun! We kept very busy and didn't stop to take to many pictures this trip! It was fun to surprise the kids and spend some time with just our little family! We cant wait to do it again in June!
Sooo fun! I love how you surprised your kids. Although you forgot to surprise us and pick us up on the way ;) I am glad you had a great time and I so hope we can go in June...we find out at the end of this month if Britt makes cheer!!
I know we just got back from there, but HONESTLY...I could LIVE THERE!
SO we discovered a hotel...well, maybe motel. It is the Alpine Chalet or something like that. It takes 7 minutes to walk to the front gate of DL. It totally looks like it will be a dive, but it TOTALLY isn't! It is super clean and they have redone all of the inside. I really liked it and I think I am a bit of a hotel snob. So does my hubby! (Darnit)
Anyway, I think it is way fun to stay in the big super nice places, but this place was perfect and way comfy and $50 A NIGHT! You SO can't beat that! Totally a find I will keep in mind! It just makes it all that much more do-able more often! AND it is on the top 10 places to stay at Disneyland!
Glad you guys had fun and good job being spontaneous!
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