My husband is amazing, he's a hard worker, he has a kind heart, he's always willing to help anyone who needs it, He's a great example to me and our 3 kids, he's loving, he's the best dad ever, he's patient {of course he is, he is married to me.} He puts up with all my crazy OCD ways! He lets me be a clean freak, and have the house organized my way. He doesn't care that sometimes I will stay in my pj's all day and do nothing but iron! He takes me to the movies, and to all my favorite restaurants. He makes me laugh, and he will usually always laugh at my lame jokes, even when I'm sometimes the only one who thinks they're funny!
The past 15 years have been amazing. We have both learned so much about each other. We know life is never gonna be perfect, cause that just wouldn't be any fun! But what I have learned is that no matter what has been thrown at us, we can always get through it because we have each other! I love you Sexy Beast, and just like a true Disney/fairytale ending, we are living Happily Ever After!
Ya I know I'm a little late posting this, don't judge.
"Sexy Beast" Oh my! I just laughed so hard! LOVE IT!
Congrats you guys! Really, high school sweet hearts (you both still look the exact same, you stinkers!)....this really is a fairytale! I LOVE IT!
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