Because Darrin had to work during spring break, I decided to let each one of the kids choose something fun to do. Madi decided to have her cousin Brittany sleepover for what turned out to be 3 days! She got to go to church with us on Sunday , so that she could see the boy she has a crush on?! Don't tell anyone, but its the Bishops son Jake Curl! On Monday Kaiden choose to go bowling at Fat Cats Bowling Alley in Provo. We went with my sister in law Tammy and her 3 kids Brittany, Nate, and Brooke! Must of the kids used the bumpers to bowl with so they all got pretty good scores, Brittany chose to do it the hard way, and although she got better on her second game I think she only bowled a 50? My best score was just over 100 woohoo! After we were done bowling we went to the BYU Creamery for ice cream, yummy!
Tuesday Madi wanted to go to Classic skating, just so you know they are closed on Tuesdays, so we all decided to settle and go to Kangaroo Zoo! I forgot to take pictures here, but the kids all had lots of fun playing tag and hide-n-go-seek!

Thursday was Abby's day to choose, she wanted to go to Chuck-E-Cheese! I called my sister in law Rachel to come with her 2 kids Jaxon and Breann. And I also invited Tammy and her kids. The kids played and played, they hardly ate any pizza but had so much fun playing. Kaiden hit the bonus jackpot on a game he was playing, and got about 350 extra tickets! Tammy also got a huge ticket bonus! The kids all got some prizes, it was a really fun day! By the end of the week I was more than ready to send the kids back to school. Horray for spring break!!!