YIPEEE! There is only 26 more days until were off to Disneyland (again!) I feel just like the parents in the Disneyland commercial, you know the one...... The parents want the kids to go to sleep, they giggle and say "were to excited to sleep" Then they go to the parents in bed, the wife rolls over and says to her husband "you asleep?" then the husband says "nope, to excited!" I love this commercial! It makes me laugh every time! Anyway, the anticipation is killing us all, this vacation couldn't come any quicker! We all desperately need a break from everyday life, the kids are counting down the days left of school, and Darrin once again has overloaded himself with work, and is now frantically trying to get caught up so he can enjoy this vacation without worrying about work! I'm hoping to try and get another cute Disney themed outfit made for Abby to wear in Disneyland, but I have so much going on before we leave, I'm not sure if I will have the time. I will have to keep you posted. In the above picture is one of the outfits that I designed when we went to Disneyland in November. My mom did all the hard work, I'm no good at sewing, but love designing.
I almost did not recognize Darrin there in the middle.
Your trip will be here before you know it! How fun! Is the Toy Story ride going to be open when you are there?
I think Toy Story will be open! I'm so excited, I hope we won't have to wait forever like Finding Nemo? I guess thats part of the fun, right?
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