Yesterday I had the opportunity to attend the Temple with my husbands brother Rock. We went to the Provo temple. He had a small group of family there that love and support him so much! It's always so neat to watch and witness someone taking out their endowments for the first time. I love watching their reactions and feeling the spirit so strongly! I will never forget the feelings I felt when I went through the Temple for the first time, what an amazing opportunity! We are so proud of you Rock, and we are so thankful that we could be there to experience the Temple with you! After we went to the Temple we went to Ruby River for lunch. It was sooo yummy! I was so stuffed! Later that night I had to go to Young Women leadership training. I always kind of drag my feet on the way there, but once I'm there I'm always so glad I went. The young women leaders in our stake our amazing! They always have so much valuable information that I can use, not only for my calling, but for my family as well. I always feel the spirit so strongly when I'm in their presence. It seems as though they knew just what I was needing to hear, and I'm so grateful for that. I feel as though I need days like this
more often, it was the perfect "spiritual recharge" that I needed. I often tend to loose sight of what is important right now in my life, but days like this are always there to get me back on track!
This is a picture of the Santiago, Chile Temple. Rock received his mission call to Osorno, Chile. The second picture is of the San Diego Temple. When we went to Sea World we passed this temple, it was so pretty, it looked just like a castle! Someday I'm hoping to go back and do a session. My all time favorite Temple has to be the Salt Lake Temple~ what can I say, there is just so much to love about that Temple. The picture at the top is one of my favorites! Someday I will have this picture adorning my walls, until then....I can only dream!
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