Friday, June 27, 2008

Cupcake Pops~

It's hot, It's summer, and were bored so........ Me and the kiddos are making these! I thought these cute little cupcake pops would be so fun and easy to make! Get the recipe from one of my favorite blogs Bakerella! I think these would be so fun for a summer BBQ or a birthday party. I hope ours turn out just as cute as these! I will let you know.......


amy said...

Those are so cute!! You'll have to tell me how they turn out or maybe you should start selling them! Yummy!

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

OK you crafty little stinker! What the heck?! I can't believe you made those! Good Job! I will totally have to check that blog out. Oh, and I also saw your tea kettle cake! OH MY! You are talented!

(By the way, where did all of your links go?)

~Tiffany~ said...

Amy, when I canged the background of my blog they were erased, and I haven't put them back on. They will be up soon. I haven't made these cupcake pops yet, but we will and if they turn out as good as these then I will post the pictures!