Has anyone taken the new Doritos "The Quest" Challenge? Well when I saw a new package of Doritos had come out on the market, I of course had to try them. When I first took a bite of the mystery flavor, the first thing that came to mind was lime. They defiantly had a very fruity like taste to them. As I ate another all I could think was how they had a strange resemblance to a bowl of Fruit Loops! The strange flavor was driving me crazy, So of course I went online to figure it out. If you don't want to know the new flavor do not continue to read, but trust me when I say I'm doing you all a favor when it comes to taste testing these new chips. The strange new flavor of Doritos is....................Mountain Dew! Now I'm a big fan of Mountain Dew, but these chips taste nothing like it, and even if they did I'm not to sure I want to have my Mountain Dew in the form a of a chip! So are you up to "The Quest" challenge? The choice is up to you!
Alright, this just made me laugh! You are too funny! I might just have to try them, however, they might have tasted good, until you mention that they are Mountain Dew flavor...that DOES just seem wrong, doesn't it??
Hey tiff, I'm so glad i found your blog. You are so cute...you have so many fun things to write about. You can add me to your list if you want www.mattpiercefamily.com. Disneyland sounded like so much fun, i can't wait till we can go when our kids get a little older. Take Care!
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