Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Almost There
So were almost done with the remodel yeah!! We are going to pick up the crown molding Saturday. We are hoping to paint it the same day, if not we will get it done by Monday. Then we just have to install the doors and the molding and we are finished! I can't wait. Although its not completely done things are back in order and I think it looks sooo good! I will post pictures as soon as it's done. Until then your all just going to have to wait and see! Sorry~
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Remodel Update!
Saturday Darrin and I went to BYU and painted all of our kitchen cabinets. It took us all day, we did 3 coats of black, then we hand sanded each cabinet, and finally we sprayed on 2 coats of sealer. It was such a long process, but it's finally done! Monday night the cabinets were ready to be hung. It took Darrin a few hours to get them all level and back in the right order. We still have to order the crown molding. The stuff I found that I like is way out of my price range, it was $21 a foot for the upper piece and $55 dollars for a 8 foot section that I wanted to put on the bottom of the cabinet. So for now we are still looking. I did find the hardware for the cabinets and I'm hoping to hang them tonight or tomorrow? Things are finally coming back together! I can finally cook on my stove and things are a little less cluttered. My dad finished staining the wall, and now I have to finish all the touch up work and the cutting in of the ceiling and the base boards. The kitchen island is done, we are just waiting to hang the new pendant lights that I just purchased today! So were making progress......slowly, but definitely moving along!
This is a picture of the wall that my dad is staining in the family room!
This is a picture of the new lights and our new cabinet hardware!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Camping Haun Style!
So this post is a little late. We went camping over the 4th up Spanish Fork Canyon, with all of Darrin's side of the family! Grandpa Haun brought up his chain saw and he and Darrin cut up a huge log that was by our camp.
The grand kids loved it, they each had their own "log chair"
Preston and Darrin taught the kids how to shoot air soft guns. They are actually alot of fun. We bought a cheap one from Wal-mart and it broke the next day, so now the kids each want one of their own, but defiantly better quality.

We had so much fun camping this year. We rode the 4 wheelers all over, {that was my favorite part} The kids played in the dirt, we played games, we ate yummy camping food, and a couple of us got sick! Tammy, Preston and Brittany got to experience sleeping under the stars, and we all got to listen to Dusty's theory on stars, the planets, and aliens! The campfire at night was so fun. I taught the kids some girls camp songs, and we sang them all night. Baby Shark do do do do do do! After 3 days of camping I was ready to come home, We all needed a good shower and a good nights sleep. Before we left the boys decided to play a game of Flag Football. Go Darrin!
As much as I say I hate Camping, I really can't wait to go again! I'm really starting to like this camping stuff.....Go figure! I hope you all have a great 24th!
And one thing we learned when shooting air soft guns is....... "It's all about the way you hold your face!"
My Cute Boys!
One of my all time favorite things about camping has got to be smores! Mmmmmm, yummy!
Madi and her best buddy Brit!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Should We Stay Or Should We Go?
So it's no surprise that we have been talking about moving. I really love living in Lehi, and we have great neighbors, and a great ward, but I'm just not totally in love with the house. It kind of reminds me of living in a Mcdonalds Happy Meal box on the outside. But inside is so big and roomy and it has tons of potential! So we have decided to stay for now and remodel the kitchen, dining room, and the family room. We have taken down all the cabinets, so we can paint and add new crown molding. My wonderful dad has come over and re textured all the walls for us, we have painted them but they are still waiting for all the touch up work and for the stain on our main wall {which is always the hardest part.} We have started redoing the center isle by painting and adding wainscot. We still have to order the crown molding, and then paint and install. Darrin wants to install under cabinet lighting. We are still looking for new pendant lights to go over the bar. And we are still looking for new hardware for the cabinets. We bought new doors and new wood blinds off of KSL and those are waiting to be installed. All my decorations and just about everything that once decorated those 3 rooms, is on top of my dining room table. My garage is full of dust, stain, and paint. My microwave is on my stove, which is unplugged and pulled into the middle of the kitchen. Our house right now is utter chaos! We have eaten out for the last 4 days, and it seems as though I have completely neglected to give the kids near as much attention as they need. Thanks to grammy and papa for jumping in and saving the day. They have helped so much with the work around the house, and giving the kids the attention they need! The house project doesn't seem to have an end, I'm always jumping ahead and thinking of all the tedious little things that need to be done, {not to mention all the big stuff we still have to accomplish} I'm hoping it will be done soon, so I can get back to my organized, clean remodeled house! Until then I will keep you updated on the progress and will hopefully include some pictures. Oh by the the way, still dreaming about the new stainless steel appliances! We'll see!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Tag, I'm It~
So Sarah tagged me about a week ago and finally I have a working computer, so here it goes~
10 Years Ago~ Hmmm this is a hard one. I was 21 married and we had a
beautiful little girl {Madi} that consumed our whole world! She of course was going through the terrible two's which at the time seemed so hard to deal with, little did I know it would only get worse! I was a stay at home mom and loving every minute of it. We were doing the apartment living, an saving to buy our first house.
5 Things On My To Do List Today~
1~ Laundry of course.
2~ Tape off our kitchen and living room so we can texture and paint tonight.
3~ Finish painting the kitchen cabinets.
4~ Study for the lesson I have to teach on Sunday.
5~ Cook Dinner!
5 Snacks I Enjoy~
1~ Pepsi
2~ Cereal
3~ Anything chocolate
4~ Tomato and basil wheat thins
5~ Ice cream
What Would I Do If I Was Given A Million Dollars? I would pay everything off, finally build my dream house. I would pay my parents and Darrin's parents houses off. I would love to build my own restaurant. Travel and just have fun! I think the best part of it all would be that my husband would have to work Alot less!
3 Bad Habits~
1~ Sleeping in.
2~ My obsessive compulsive behaviors.
3~ Spending money.
5 Places I Have Lived~ Now this one is really boring, I'm a Utah kind of gal!
1~ Mesa, Arizona {this was where I was born}
2~ Orem, Utah
3~ Lindon, Utah
4~ Payson, Utah
5~ And finally Lehi, Utah
5 Jobs I Have Had~ Well I haven't had a whole lot of exciting experiences working. I was married right out of high school, and my husband worked hard to make it possible for me to stay at home.
1~ The Scera movie theatre
2~ I used to demos. I was one of those girls that stands in the grocery stores and hands out food samples.
3~ I worked at Frazier Park, back in the days when there was a small store there, and it was actually a decent place to go.
4~ Skippers, this was the job I worked while in High School.
4 Things People Don't Know About Me~
1~ I'm obsessed with reality tv shows.
2~ I got engaged while I was still in High School!
3~ I'm the Young Women's second counselor, and I absolutely Love it!
4~ I like to iron everything!
5 People I'm Tagging~
Chynna, Amanda, Madi, Elisabeth, Sarah H.
10 Years Ago~ Hmmm this is a hard one. I was 21 married and we had a
beautiful little girl {Madi} that consumed our whole world! She of course was going through the terrible two's which at the time seemed so hard to deal with, little did I know it would only get worse! I was a stay at home mom and loving every minute of it. We were doing the apartment living, an saving to buy our first house.
5 Things On My To Do List Today~
1~ Laundry of course.
2~ Tape off our kitchen and living room so we can texture and paint tonight.
3~ Finish painting the kitchen cabinets.
4~ Study for the lesson I have to teach on Sunday.
5~ Cook Dinner!
5 Snacks I Enjoy~
1~ Pepsi
2~ Cereal
3~ Anything chocolate
4~ Tomato and basil wheat thins
5~ Ice cream
What Would I Do If I Was Given A Million Dollars? I would pay everything off, finally build my dream house. I would pay my parents and Darrin's parents houses off. I would love to build my own restaurant. Travel and just have fun! I think the best part of it all would be that my husband would have to work Alot less!
3 Bad Habits~
1~ Sleeping in.
2~ My obsessive compulsive behaviors.
3~ Spending money.
5 Places I Have Lived~ Now this one is really boring, I'm a Utah kind of gal!
1~ Mesa, Arizona {this was where I was born}
2~ Orem, Utah
3~ Lindon, Utah
4~ Payson, Utah
5~ And finally Lehi, Utah
5 Jobs I Have Had~ Well I haven't had a whole lot of exciting experiences working. I was married right out of high school, and my husband worked hard to make it possible for me to stay at home.
1~ The Scera movie theatre
2~ I used to demos. I was one of those girls that stands in the grocery stores and hands out food samples.
3~ I worked at Frazier Park, back in the days when there was a small store there, and it was actually a decent place to go.
4~ Skippers, this was the job I worked while in High School.
4 Things People Don't Know About Me~
1~ I'm obsessed with reality tv shows.
2~ I got engaged while I was still in High School!
3~ I'm the Young Women's second counselor, and I absolutely Love it!
4~ I like to iron everything!
5 People I'm Tagging~
Chynna, Amanda, Madi, Elisabeth, Sarah H.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
So I finally have access to a computer, my computer broke right before we went camping and has been out of commission ever since! I'm at my moms and I'm borrowing her laptop to catch up on things! Darrin said he will fix my computer by this weekend, so I hope to catch everyone up on our camping trip, and everyday life. I also noticed that Sarah tagged me. I will respond to that as soon as I can..........!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
A Camping We Will Go!
My kind of camping
"Glamping" in Montana!

This is totally for me. Services include a camp butler to build fires, a maid to crank up a heated down comforter, and a personal cook! A girl can dream right? until then back to reality!
Because the Fourth of July is on a Friday this year, we have decided to go camping with Darrin's side of the family! We leave on Thursday, hopefully afternoon, but we will see how that goes. We are going to go up Spanish Fork canyon somewhere. My only request was bathrooms, picnic tables, fire pits, showers, a soft sandy place to set up my tent, a place to ride the four wheelers, and lots of shade. Geez is that to much to ask?! I think I will have to compromise so I'm leaning towards the shade and a place to ride four wheelers! I'm not much of a camper {as we all know} but I'm starting to enjoy it alot more now that the kids are older and require less work. I'm still freaked out about them being dirty 24~7, and especially letting them crawl into bed at night dirty, oh and I forgot to mention the lovely smell of campfire,but I'm totally working on "chillin out a little" So let me apologize in advance for the way my children will look in the camping pictures I will post when I get back {jk} Anyways for the most part we are all really excited to go hang with the Haun's for the week. Camping is alot of work, now I remember why we only go a couple times a year, I feel like we are packing the whole house {and we probably are!} Well I hope everyone has a great Fourth of July weekend,and I can't wait to read all about them when we get back!
"Glamping" in Montana!

This is totally for me. Services include a camp butler to build fires, a maid to crank up a heated down comforter, and a personal cook! A girl can dream right? until then back to reality!
Because the Fourth of July is on a Friday this year, we have decided to go camping with Darrin's side of the family! We leave on Thursday, hopefully afternoon, but we will see how that goes. We are going to go up Spanish Fork canyon somewhere. My only request was bathrooms, picnic tables, fire pits, showers, a soft sandy place to set up my tent, a place to ride the four wheelers, and lots of shade. Geez is that to much to ask?! I think I will have to compromise so I'm leaning towards the shade and a place to ride four wheelers! I'm not much of a camper {as we all know} but I'm starting to enjoy it alot more now that the kids are older and require less work. I'm still freaked out about them being dirty 24~7, and especially letting them crawl into bed at night dirty, oh and I forgot to mention the lovely smell of campfire,but I'm totally working on "chillin out a little" So let me apologize in advance for the way my children will look in the camping pictures I will post when I get back {jk} Anyways for the most part we are all really excited to go hang with the Haun's for the week. Camping is alot of work, now I remember why we only go a couple times a year, I feel like we are packing the whole house {and we probably are!} Well I hope everyone has a great Fourth of July weekend,and I can't wait to read all about them when we get back!
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