So Sarah tagged me about a week ago and finally I have a working computer, so here it goes~
10 Years Ago~ Hmmm this is a hard one. I was 21 married and we had a
beautiful little girl {Madi} that consumed our whole world! She of course was going through the terrible two's which at the time seemed so hard to deal with, little did I know it would only get worse! I was a stay at home mom and loving every minute of it. We were doing the apartment living, an saving to buy our first house.
5 Things On My To Do List Today~
1~ Laundry of course.
2~ Tape off our kitchen and living room so we can texture and paint tonight.
3~ Finish painting the kitchen cabinets.
4~ Study for the lesson I have to teach on Sunday.
5~ Cook Dinner!
5 Snacks I Enjoy~
1~ Pepsi
2~ Cereal
3~ Anything chocolate
4~ Tomato and basil wheat thins
5~ Ice cream
What Would I Do If I Was Given A Million Dollars? I would pay everything off, finally build my dream house. I would pay my parents and Darrin's parents houses off. I would love to build my own restaurant. Travel and just have fun! I think the best part of it all would be that my husband would have to work Alot less!
3 Bad Habits~
1~ Sleeping in.
2~ My obsessive compulsive behaviors.
3~ Spending money.
5 Places I Have Lived~ Now this one is really boring, I'm a Utah kind of gal!
1~ Mesa, Arizona {this was where I was born}
2~ Orem, Utah
3~ Lindon, Utah
4~ Payson, Utah
5~ And finally Lehi, Utah
5 Jobs I Have Had~ Well I haven't had a whole lot of exciting experiences working. I was married right out of high school, and my husband worked hard to make it possible for me to stay at home.
1~ The Scera movie theatre
2~ I used to demos. I was one of those girls that stands in the grocery stores and hands out food samples.
3~ I worked at Frazier Park, back in the days when there was a small store there, and it was actually a decent place to go.
4~ Skippers, this was the job I worked while in High School.
4 Things People Don't Know About Me~
1~ I'm obsessed with reality tv shows.
2~ I got engaged while I was still in High School!
3~ I'm the Young Women's second counselor, and I absolutely Love it!
4~ I like to iron everything!
5 People I'm Tagging~
Chynna, Amanda, Madi, Elisabeth, Sarah H.
1 comment:
I posted a reply to the tag on my page and Todd didn't like it so he deleted it! Sorry!
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