So this post is a little late. We went camping over the 4
th up Spanish Fork Canyon, with all of Darrin's side of the family! Grandpa
Haun brought up his chain saw and he and Darrin cut up a huge log that was by our camp.

The grand kids loved it, they each had their own "log chair"

Preston and Darrin taught the kids how to shoot air soft guns. They are actually
alot of fun. We bought a cheap one from
Wal-mart and it broke the next day, so now the kids each want one of their own, but defiantly better quality.
And one thing we learned when shooting air soft guns is....... "It's all about the way you hold your face!"
My Cute Boys!

Adorable Silly Little Derik And Abby!
One of my all time favorite things about camping has got to be smores! Mmmmmm, yummy!

Madi and her best buddy Brit!

We had so much fun camping this year. We rode the 4 wheelers all over, {that was my favorite part} The kids played in the dirt, we played games, we ate yummy camping food, and a couple of us got sick! Tammy, Preston and Brittany got to experience sleeping under the stars, and we all got to listen to Dusty's theory on stars, the planets, and aliens! The campfire at night was so fun. I taught the kids some girls camp songs, and we sang them all night. Baby Shark do do do do do do! After 3 days of camping I was ready to come home, We all needed a good shower and a good nights sleep. Before we left the boys decided to play a game of Flag Football. Go Darrin!

As much as I say I hate Camping, I really can't wait to go again! I'm really starting to like this camping stuff.....Go figure! I hope you all have a great 24th!
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