She's pretty darn cute! She can't help it she just takes after her parents!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Just Because.....
Me "Yep"
Abby "Good!"
Monday, August 25, 2008
Abby's First Day~
Abby's new teacher is Mrs. Paxman and we couldn't be any more excited! Kaiden had her for a teacher when he was in kindergarten, and she is the nicest, most fun teacher ever! Abby is really lucky to be in her class. Abby said her first day was the "best ever" they got to make necklaces and play on the playground, she learned a new song about bubblegum, they read some stories, and she meet some new friends! She was looking forward to walking home with her friend Shayla, but unfortunately I had to pick her up. I guess she really likes school! I have no idea where these kids came from? We all know how me and school go together.......well lets just say, We Don't!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Time Flies By.....
I can't believe how time just flies
They once were small, now it's goodbyes
Off to school so big and proud
We hope they will not be to loud :)
Our sweet baby boys and girls have grown
They want to do it on their own
Learning new things every day
Reading and writing, their on their way
I know it's hard to let them go
But in our hearts we'll always know
Every moment from wrapped up small
To every moment when they grow tall
by Andrea Carter
They once were small, now it's goodbyes
Off to school so big and proud
We hope they will not be to loud :)
Our sweet baby boys and girls have grown
They want to do it on their own
Learning new things every day
Reading and writing, their on their way
I know it's hard to let them go
But in our hearts we'll always know
Every moment from wrapped up small
To every moment when they grow tall
by Andrea Carter
Friday, August 22, 2008
Tikki Room
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Kaiden's First Day~
Kaiden headed back to school on Monday! He was really excited to be going back. You might not believe it but Kaiden actually enjoys school! All of Kaidens previous teachers have had nothing but good things to say about him. He is a good learner, and a excellent reader! {You kind of have to be if your any good at playing video games, he got sick of asking me to read what they said!} Of course Kaidens favorite part of going back to school was seeing all of his friends, and can I just tell you if they graded you on making friends Kaiden would definitely get an A+ he is quite the social butterfly! Kaiden is a "Later Gator" this year so he doesn't have to be to school until 9:15, were not sure if we like this schedule or not? He gets home so late and after he does his homework, his chores, practices piano, and soccer 2-3 nights out of the week, he hardly has any time to play with friends. I'm hoping we will both get used to it, we will just have to see. The picture below is of Kaiden and his friend Tanner walking to school together. Kaiden was sporting his cute Star Wars "Junkfood Tee" from the Gap. I just love them and will definitely be buying more! Speaking of the Gap, go and check out their new "Bohemian Collection" for girls it is so adorable, I will be making a trip there soon to add to Abby's already overflowing closet! Kaiden we hope you continue to have fun in school and keep making friends, because you can never have to many. We love you buddy!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Madi's First Day~
Madi's first day of school was on Friday. She is in 7th grade, so they have all the 7th graders go a day early by themselves to get used to the school and they way things run. Madi said she liked it but was overwhelmed with the amount of people at the school! When she went to lunch {they only get a half hour} she said it took almost the full half hour just to get through the lunch line. She said she will probably just take home lunch so she will actually get to eat. After school Madi went to get on the bus, she said her bus was parked all the way down by the stoplights, there are 40 buses at her school, and it took forever for her to get home! Madi said her favorite teacher so far is her English teacher, she thinks she is really funny!
This is a picture of Madi on the first day of school! I never thought the day would have come so quickly that I would have a daughter in Junior High! I know everyone always says this but it seems like just yesterday when I was in Junior High. I really liked Junior High it was such a fun time to meet and make new friends, and the schoolwork was not to overwhelming yet. These are the years when such great memories are made, I hope Madi will really take advantage of these years in her life! They will truly help her to discover who she is and what she wants to accomplish in her life. Remember to always choose your friends wisely, never compromise your standards be a true friend and the friends you make will always be there for you.We are so proud of you and love you Madi Mo!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Nurse Abby~
A few weeks ago my Grandma Olsen fell and broke her shoulder, she has been recovering but it has been a slow healing process. She has been very weak and fragile. Saturday she fell again and fractured her back, she is in a lot of pain and is having trouble doing things on her own. My mom is having her stay at her house until she has recovered enough to take care of herself. Madi and Abby stayed at my moms house all day Monday while I took Kaiden school shopping. Grandma Olsen slept most of the morning and Abby kept asking when she was going to wake up, and she kept checking on her to see if she was awake. When grandma finally woke up Abby was right there by her side. She showed her how to use the bell that she could ring if she needed anything, she sang all the Hannah Montana and Jonas Brother songs to her. She showed her the dance she is going to be doing for her dance recital. She made her pictures and decorated her room with balloons. At dinner time she wanted to get her dinner for her and she would make sure she always had something to drink. She even said she wanted to dress her up after she was done taking a shower. She stayed with her all day until my grandma finally fell back to sleep later that night. What a little sweetheart! We are so lucky to have Abby in our lives, and I think my mom is just as thankful. She told me that if she ever gets to the point that she can't take care of herself I would have to be the one to do it. I told her "no way" joking of course, but I don't think she will have any trouble getting Abby to volunteer for the job! Our family is all very worried for Grandma Olsen, we know she is in good hands with my mom but we are all praying she will make a quick recovery. We love you Grandma Olsen! Get better soon!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
School Shopping~
I finally finished up all my school shopping!!!! Me and Kaiden spent the day at the mall shopping and having lunch. It was actually a lot of fun shopping with a boy, {a lot less whining and stress!} we managed to get all his clothes and of course his backpack in 1 day YIPEE!!! We did have a tough time finding him a backpack he really liked. Everything just seemed to be so babyish or just really plain, he finally decided on a Star Wars The Clone Wars backpack at least for now! Last week we finished shopping for the girls, and like I said it was fun but there was a lot more whining and drama. Abby had so much fun picking out her backpack this year, it was the first time she got to pick one out by herself and she choose a really cute Camp Rock backpack with a picture of Demi Levato and Joe Jonas on it! Oh so typical of our little 5 year old teenager! Madi's is more into the clothes and matching jewelery. I'm loving the fun fall styles and colors this year there are so many choices that accommodate every ones style I can't wait to go and shop for myself! Back to school night for all my kids is on Thursday, and then Madi's first day of school is on Friday and Kaiden's is on Monday, Abby starts about a week or so after that! Summer is really almost over, but everyone seems really excited for school to start!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Where Has The Summer Gone?
I can't believe summer is almost over. It seemed to just fly by this year. We had a very busy and fun summer!
The day after the kids got out of school we went to Disneyland for a week. We bought annual passes last year that were going to expire so we squeezed in one more trip before they did. It is always so much fun, we go with family and always have a good time. The new Toy Story ride was not open yet, so we will be planning a trip again soon! Me and Darrin also got to celebrate our 13 year wedding anniversary in Disneyland, how fun is that? Anyways he is so amazing and I'm so lucky to be married to him! 3 days after we got back from Disneyland it was time for me and Madi to head to girls camp! It was a little stressful getting ready in 3 days while still unpacking and doing laundry from the Disneyland trip, but I managed without to much stress. Girls camp was such a great experience. This was my second year going and Madi's first. We experienced so many things together. The weather didn't really corporate we had everything from snow {all day} to hot sunny sunburned faces. The Young Women in our ward are amazing, and I was grateful to have the opportunity to go to girls camp with them! As far as the holidays go, we went with Darrin's family camping over the fourth. I actually had a really good time, and the kids just loved it! For the 24th we spent that with my side of the family, we went to my brothers house for dinner and fire works. He smoked a pork butt,and made his own barbecue sauce. It was sooo good, we even got Kaiden to try it and he liked it to! We have been to many movies, swimming, Thanksgiving Point Gardens, barbecues, camping, sleepovers, piano lessons, dance, the carnival, Kaiden's first pinewood derby, Lagoon, and many other things to keep the kids busy during the summer. I'm sad that it is almost over, but we have so many fun things coming up. I can't wait to finally be back on a decent schedule, waking up early and the kids going to bed at a normal time. It will also be nice to have them doing their chores regularly, lunch at lunch time instead of at 2:00, and even having dinner on time instead of at 7:00 or 8:00, and I'm sure my family is looking forward to me finally cooking again! Madi will be starting her first year of Junior High! {can you believe it?} Kaiden will be going into 3rd grade and my little girl will be starting Kindergarten! I can't believe how quickly time flies. Kaiden has started soccer again and Abby starts this week. Madi will be starting volleyball sometime within the next few weeks she is so excited. Kaiden and Madi are still taking piano lessons, and Abby is looking forward to her dance recital next week, and can't wait to start a new dance class this fall. Our good friends the Petersons have invited us to go to Lake Powell in October. We are really looking forward to this, the kids have never been, and I haven't been since I was a kid. They have also invited us to take a trip to New York with them this spring, and can I tell you how excited Darrin is for this! It has always been a dream of his to go, I'm so glad he finally gets the chance. We also want to try and plan a trip to Disney World a year from this November, so I'm sad that we probably wont go back to Disneyland until after that, but I'm looking forward to all the fun things to come! So our summer has just flown by, we still have a week or so, and we are hoping to plan some more fun things before it's back to the grind. Our wards Youth Conference is this week and I get to go, Madi has to be 14 so she will have to wait a while before she can go. We also want to go back to Lagoon {Hooray for Bounce Back!} We will have to see if we will have the time. And of course there is so much school shopping to do! I hope you all had a great summer!
The day after the kids got out of school we went to Disneyland for a week. We bought annual passes last year that were going to expire so we squeezed in one more trip before they did. It is always so much fun, we go with family and always have a good time. The new Toy Story ride was not open yet, so we will be planning a trip again soon! Me and Darrin also got to celebrate our 13 year wedding anniversary in Disneyland, how fun is that? Anyways he is so amazing and I'm so lucky to be married to him! 3 days after we got back from Disneyland it was time for me and Madi to head to girls camp! It was a little stressful getting ready in 3 days while still unpacking and doing laundry from the Disneyland trip, but I managed without to much stress. Girls camp was such a great experience. This was my second year going and Madi's first. We experienced so many things together. The weather didn't really corporate we had everything from snow {all day} to hot sunny sunburned faces. The Young Women in our ward are amazing, and I was grateful to have the opportunity to go to girls camp with them! As far as the holidays go, we went with Darrin's family camping over the fourth. I actually had a really good time, and the kids just loved it! For the 24th we spent that with my side of the family, we went to my brothers house for dinner and fire works. He smoked a pork butt,and made his own barbecue sauce. It was sooo good, we even got Kaiden to try it and he liked it to! We have been to many movies, swimming, Thanksgiving Point Gardens, barbecues, camping, sleepovers, piano lessons, dance, the carnival, Kaiden's first pinewood derby, Lagoon, and many other things to keep the kids busy during the summer. I'm sad that it is almost over, but we have so many fun things coming up. I can't wait to finally be back on a decent schedule, waking up early and the kids going to bed at a normal time. It will also be nice to have them doing their chores regularly, lunch at lunch time instead of at 2:00, and even having dinner on time instead of at 7:00 or 8:00, and I'm sure my family is looking forward to me finally cooking again! Madi will be starting her first year of Junior High! {can you believe it?} Kaiden will be going into 3rd grade and my little girl will be starting Kindergarten! I can't believe how quickly time flies. Kaiden has started soccer again and Abby starts this week. Madi will be starting volleyball sometime within the next few weeks she is so excited. Kaiden and Madi are still taking piano lessons, and Abby is looking forward to her dance recital next week, and can't wait to start a new dance class this fall. Our good friends the Petersons have invited us to go to Lake Powell in October. We are really looking forward to this, the kids have never been, and I haven't been since I was a kid. They have also invited us to take a trip to New York with them this spring, and can I tell you how excited Darrin is for this! It has always been a dream of his to go, I'm so glad he finally gets the chance. We also want to try and plan a trip to Disney World a year from this November, so I'm sad that we probably wont go back to Disneyland until after that, but I'm looking forward to all the fun things to come! So our summer has just flown by, we still have a week or so, and we are hoping to plan some more fun things before it's back to the grind. Our wards Youth Conference is this week and I get to go, Madi has to be 14 so she will have to wait a while before she can go. We also want to go back to Lagoon {Hooray for Bounce Back!} We will have to see if we will have the time. And of course there is so much school shopping to do! I hope you all had a great summer!
Monday, August 4, 2008
It's That Time Again!
Saturday we are having are annual yard sale! It will be at Haun's Automotive in lindon if anyone is interested. I have tons of kids clothes for back to school! There will also be several other families with lots of great stuff! We have several name brands such as Aeropostale, Old Navy, Gap, Gymboree, Hawk, Quicksilver, Billabong, Roxy, Naartjie, Children's Place, and many more not listed. Get there early for the best selection, we are starting at 8:00 and will be there till its gone. Hope to see you there!
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