Madi's first day of school was on Friday. She is in 7th grade, so they have all the 7th graders go a day early by themselves to get used to the school and they way things run. Madi said she liked it but was overwhelmed with the amount of people at the school! When she went to lunch {they only get a half hour} she said it took almost the full half hour just to get through the lunch line. She said she will probably just take home lunch so she will actually get to eat. After school Madi went to get on the bus, she said her bus was parked all the way down by the stoplights, there are 40 buses at her school, and it took forever for her to get home! Madi said her favorite teacher so far is her English teacher, she thinks she is really funny!
This is a picture of Madi on the first day of school! I never thought the day would have come so quickly that I would have a daughter in Junior High! I know everyone always says this but it seems like just yesterday when I was in Junior High. I really liked Junior High it was such a fun time to meet and make new friends, and the schoolwork was not to overwhelming yet. These are the years when such great memories are made, I hope Madi will really take advantage of these years in her life! They will truly help her to discover who she is and what she wants to accomplish in her life. Remember to always choose your friends wisely, never compromise your standards be a true friend and the friends you make will always be there for you.We are so proud of you and love you Madi Mo!
Hi mom!
She looks so cute! Have fun in Jr. High Madi!!!
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