Monday, August 4, 2008

It's That Time Again!

Saturday we are having are annual yard sale! It will be at Haun's Automotive in lindon if anyone is interested. I have tons of kids clothes for back to school! There will also be several other families with lots of great stuff! We have several name brands such as Aeropostale, Old Navy, Gap, Gymboree, Hawk, Quicksilver, Billabong, Roxy, Naartjie, Children's Place, and many more not listed. Get there early for the best selection, we are starting at 8:00 and will be there till its gone. Hope to see you there!


amy said...

Kenzie and I will try to be there, I have to work that morning but if you are having a sneak preview of anything you are selling let me know!

Sarah said...

Your boy stuff, that's what I want! But we're leaving to go to NC on Thursday...that makes me so sad.

~Tiffany~ said...

Amy, come early, I will be there at about 6:30!