You can go to Disneyland on your Birthday for FREE! All you have to do is go to the website and register and 2 weeks before your Birthday in the year 2009 they will email you your confirmation. You take it to Disneyland with proof of your Birthday and you will get in FREE! If you already have a annual pass or will have one in the year 2009, you can receive a gift card for the same amount as the admission price to spend in the park Approximately $59.-$69. WhoHoo!!! They also have other prizes including dream fast passes for you and your family! For more details click
HERE I've already registered so I guess I know where my kids will be celebrating their Birthday!!! So hurry go quickly before they change their mind!
Yipee! Thanks for info. I am going to register right now! That's the best birthday present ever!
Your blog is so cute.
Now that I've been to DisneyLand as a parent, I can see why it is so addicting. I am registering right now!!
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