My moms birthday was on Friday the 29th. My dad wanted to do something really special for her but put me in charge so this is what he got...... Friday night he took her to dinner, PF Changs mmmm my favorite! While they were gone we went to her house and decorated and got everything set up for her surprise. My mom's sister Karen has a helium tank, she went and bought 100 black balloons and 100 purple balloons. Me, Darrin, Karen, and my Brother Mark and his wife Rachel helped blow up and tie balloons. We decorated outside and also in her bedroom. There were so many balloons it looked so good! My moms other sister Sandee woke up early Friday morning and went to her house to decorate , or should we say embarrass her? Anyways she made tons of signs with cute sayings on them and hung them all over her front yard and even on some of the street signs! We all got a good laugh out of this, but my mom not so much! I had ordered my mom a huge cake from Costco and another one from Lehi Bakery {her very favorite, she could eat the whole cake by herself, and I'm soo not kidding!} I also made some cute 50th cookies and of course we had the soft serve ice cream machine going. Earlier that week I had sent out invitations everyone arrived early so we could surprise her when she got home. My mom and dad arrived right on time and we were all there to yell surprise!! She was actually really surprised, we had pulled it off. I'm sure she had so much fun, her face said it all! I love my mom so much! She is my best friend and always there for me and our family. Her willingness to help others is amazing! We are so lucky to have her in our lives!! Happy Birthday Mom! We love you!!!
This is Darrin and Mark helping with balloons!

This is my mom and dad pulling up, SURPRISE!!!
My mom blowing out her candles!

1 comment:
That's your mom? She looks so young! SO... the widget thing. I think it shows when people come to my site by clicking on it from yours. I can tell it's not you when it says, like salt lake, and stuff like that. I do know you secretly love my blog though.
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