Monday, October 13, 2008
The Snowy Weekend Wrap Up
Saturday morning we were up again bright and early. Madi had a volleyball game they won, and now the playoffs start tonight! After volleyball we went to my parents house to work on costumes. They are taking more time than my mom expected because we have to change the patterns so much to fit and look right. They are coming along though, Kaiden's pants are done, and she is getting close on the jacket. Mine on the other hand is a totally different story, we are hoping to work on them more this week. The weather was cold on Saturday, but Darrin and Kaiden still wanted to go to the BYU game. I bundled them up, and off they went. It didn't snow or rain on them, but it was cold. BYU won! {are you surprised?} When they left for the game the girls and I headed home, I had to teach the lesson on Sunday so I needed to finish preparing and studying. When I was done we went and got some dinner and then back home for baths and showers. Sunday morning we woke up to this......
It was cold! The kids wanted to go out and play in the snow, I told them no way, but gave in for a second and let Abby put on her boots and go outside! It only lasted about 2 minutes and she was back inside. While I was getting ready for church Kaiden had wiggled out another tooth! He was very excited, and there were no tears! We finished getting ready for church and we were out the door.{on time} During sacrament I was released from my calling as young women's 2nd counselor, and then recalled {thank goodness} Our president Angela asked to be released. It was so hard letting her go, we have become such good friends while serving together! To make matters worse they are moving, our family will miss them more than they will ever know. It was nice to finally get my lesson over with, It always stresses me out when it's my turn to teach. Angela came in after my lesson and bore her testimony, it was hard, we all cried. When church was over we rushed home and changed clothes and headed to my parents house for dinner and a movie. Dinner was so yummy {thanks mom}. We watched Iron Man, and it was actually pretty good. When it was over we got our stuff together and headed home. It was straight to bed for the kids and we watched a little tv before falling asleep on the couch. This week we are excited for the kids, they have fall break and were hoping to do some fun things. Will keep ya posted!
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