Friday night was just one of those lazy relaxing sort of nights. Darrin came home from work and I had made our favorite mexican salads {recipe to come soon} We ate dinner and just hung out. We noticed are neighbors working in their garage so we went and chatted with them for a while, then it was back home to watch some movies we had rented. Saturday morning we slept in a little, then we setteled down to watch General Conference. When the first session ended we made the kids some lunch and then it was out the door to Madi's volleyball game. They played a really good team and ended up losing, but Madi played her best game so far this season! After the game we were headed to my moms house. I made a quick stop by DI to look for some items we needed for our Halloween costumes. I found the perfect jacket for Darrin, so it was a success! When we got to my moms house we were planning to watch the second session of conference and work on making Kaiden and my Halloween costumes. The kids were just way to wound up so we didn't hear much. Thank goodness for TIVO! Later that night we headed back home to try and watch the rest of our movies. Sunday morning started out the same as Saturday. We made french toast for the kids and egg mcmuffins for us. We finished just as conference was starting. I really enjoyed the speakers in conference this year. It seems as though they always know what I need to hear. Do you ever just feel like some of the talks were written just for you?! I definitely do. After the last session we ate some dinner and then headed over to our friends house {the Peterson's} to play some games and have peach cobbler. Thanks guys it was so good! Today is my Grandma Olsen's 80th Birthday! When the kids get home from school and after piano we are off to celebrate! So another weekend has come and gone, what did you do this weekend?
Sounds like a great weekend. We just watched the BYU game friday night and got dinner out. Then watched conference both days and it was a great weekend, nice and relaxing. I liked the talks too! I really want to go to the Rome Italy dedication when the time comes!! Hey they have yours and Darrin's costumes at the Disneyshopping.com. they are $50 right now. If you don't want to make them. I got Brooke's costume last week and it is sooo cute. It has teacups on it. She is excited. I want her to wear it to the park when we go in June.
Wow did you take this photo. Love it!
Jess, I could only dream of taking pictures as good as yours! I just found it online, but I love it!!
That picture of the temple is absolutely gorgeous!!!
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